Creative + Art Direction

Environmental + Event
Graphic Design

Corporate Branding

Brand Identity

T-shirt Design

Mentoring + Team Building

This is me and my daughter (and yes, she’s tall…) in Coco, Costa Rica – I was smiling here, but I was pretty sure those iguanas were going to start begging for mangoes with my back turned while my husband took his sweet time adjusting the camera. They are beautiful up close though with their majestic colorful metallic markings. I’m an adventure girl at heart. I love to do all sorts of outdoor activities, biking, running, backpacking, kayaking – you might say I am “active” – it’s how I keep my brain calm.

Every day my heart flutters at the prospect of creating something beautiful. It might be as simple as taking a photo of breathtaking sunset, or my latest craze of breaking out the wedding China for the latest meal – because why wouldn’t you? Before realizing what just happened, the oatmeal in this ornate bowl has effortlessly been designed by adding details of blackish blueberries, reddish brown - wrinkled walnuts, a swirl of golden honey and a dusting of the aromatic ground spice, garam masala. Each of these unique ingredients working harmoniously to balance the background color of the porcelain. I know right? Designers don’t do just one thing, they design by instinct, without even knowing they are doing it.

I am not just a graphic designer, but that’s how it all started. Now that I am older and wiser, I realize everything we do has a design intention. We follow a structure or flow when we tackle a project, the why behind the what – the purpose. We’re problem solvers and we ask a lot of questions – because design is intentional, and if we can’t make sense of it – no one else will either. The last several years I’ve been collaborating with thinkers, designers and doers creating experiences and events that connect people in meaningful ways. Prior to this, I worked in small graphic design studios acting as an art director, production artist, project manager, print coordinator – pretty much you can throw me into the ring, give me a task to complete and I’ll come out beaming by the challenge.

With over 25+ years experience I thrive designing and producing: logo and branding style guides, corporate branding, event wayfinding signage, environmental graphics, design decks, newsletters, brochures, posters, icon illustrations, invitations, direct mail, advertisements, web pages, web banner ads and my latest venture – custom T-shirt designs. An added bonus to my design strengths is a degree in Journalism – light copywriting capabilities and superior proofreading skills make me a stickler for grammatical errors and typos.

